Dec 31, 2006

Guitar Guru 50%-off Sale

Download guitar lessons online which are designed to help you learn to play guitar to your favorite songs here. Guitar Guru Sessions allow you to hear the music, plus view the fingerings, picking and strumming, on a realistic looking guitar skin. You can choose between computer-generated audio, or use the audio CD, and play the song at variable speeds, select subtracks, set ranges, loops and more.
This song-based learning software includes interactive guitar tab along with additional, detailed instructions that guitar tab alone is unable to provide.
Guitar Guru teaches guitar players, from beginners to advanced, how to play songs from a variety of music styles genres, by using a variety of intuitive, easy-to-use tools, including:
- detailed instructions on how to play all the guitar parts in a song,
- a virtual guitar fret board displaying the correct fingerings in real-time,
- adjustable tempo control with a step-by-step playback function,
- synched playback to original recording and WMA files,
- choice of acoustic, electric or bass guitar lessons, and more!
All Guitar Guru Sessions are now on sale, at 50% off, until the end of January 31, 2007 at Guitar Lessons Online.