May 25, 2007

Free Backing Tracks for Guitar

Get 7 free guitar backing tracks over the next 7 days when you sign up to a guitar lessons newsletter right here.

If you'd like your next jam session to be with Drums, Bass, Synth Tracks and more, you'll like what I'm about to tell you.

For the last 6 months, Chris Elmore and the team at Guitar Tips have been flat out recording and he's just told me he's finally finished!!!

It's called "Guitar-Backing-Tracks" and like all his other sites, you can access the site any time of the day or night, at the times which suit you best!

Whether you enjoy slow jazz beats, hard rock beats, ultra fast grooves or slow mellow tunes...

... you'll be jamming in your own home, with your own virtual
'Backing Band' behind you!

There's so much more to explain, so check out his new site over at Guitar Backing Tracks

...but this is only valid for the first 1,000 people -- so get in quick!

That site once again is at: check it out now before everyone else gets in!